We had been planning how to surprise janjan when she's back in jb for her birthday. So we decided to give her a surprise party. haahha we're so happy the plan worked. We forgotten to take a photo of where we hide so i did some kiddy drawing :D forgive me.
Kelly was out of the room b'cos she's gonna hold the cake in.
Here it goes. Michelle pretended to bring jan out to buy some stuff. At the same time, all of us gathered at jan's house. We were cracking our brains how to fit so many in one room. So then we heard the car engine, so we ran into our own spaces and shut the light. I was laughing away god know why so i use my hand to cover my mouth hahaha. Jan came in and she sense that someone is in her room so she cry out for michelle cos she dare not step in her room. I thought the plan gonna fail when suddenly eve and chelle gave her a push and she walk in the room slowly. At that time, charles shouted surprise! and all of us jumped out for our places and jan was like OH MY GOD????!!!! haha plan worked.
Night session in church. Went for mamak with all church buddies, fun night.
Moses lim- the speaker for our Easter Rally
Janice is turning 16! Its handmade by me, i'm so proud it turn out nice.
Nice one. Everybody busy-ing.
I'm such a kepoh XD
Oh Skippy joined our party too! Skoooooooooop.
This is the back side of the little keychain i did.
If u're observant, all together there's 16 cakes =16th birthday.
Smile with mouth open? Insturction by chelle.
11:09 PM